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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 10/04/17
    First Name: Mitch
    Last Name: Kreeger
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: Kreeger Consulting
  • Comment

    I am concerned that The Enterprises (Fannie and Freddie) are not consistently operating within USPAP, FIRREA, and IA&EG as are all other federal lending regulators. Now that they are owned by, and overseen by, the federal government and taxpayers, it is time to redraw their charters so that they must be subject to agreed-upon federal regulatory laws and legislation. NOW is the time - since they are no longer GSEs but rather government owned enterprises - to manage these entities under consistency of regulatory authority. PLEASE strategically plan in the upcoming period, 2018-2022, to consistently apply regulatory guidelines to ALL regulatory lending agencies and enterprises. Thank you.