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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 05/01/23
    First Name: ken
    Last Name: caldwell
    Organization Type: N/A
    Organization: n/a
  • Comment

    I am writing to protest the new rule going into effect today making good credit home borrowers finacially support those with lower credit. This is a veiled effort to "tax" those who have worked hard to attain good credit. Costs for everything have risen to the point that it is extremely hard for many to get credit or that are over extended on existing credit just to get by. FORCING one group to support another is not the way to achieve "equity". Enough is being done to accomplish that. Government intrusion into the daily lives is increasing faster under the current admin. (which includes you) and is becoming out of control. Quietly instituting rules such as this with no agency notice is not only wrong, it is unconstitutional. There will be a growing move to stop this overeach of authority. You are costing many young and first time homebuyers hard earned money that could be used to buy essentials. Ms. Thompson, you have overstepped your authority and we will be doing all we can to see this "rule" overturned.