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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 04/28/23
    First Name: Teri
    Last Name: Radcliff
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: Radcliff Property Group, LLc
  • Comment

    Dear Madam and Fellow Lawmakers,

    As a female, independent contractor, who has worked her way into building and construction through real estate sales, this law is a slap in the face. Personally, all of the hard work and efforts to build credit and pay bills on time seems in vain when you have something this drastic go into effect. It is not the responsibility of the government to issue a penalty by charging more to a buyer who is obtaining a loan with good standing credit. This law is backwards and detestable to the efforts of those who have worked their whole life to get ahead. The beautiful thing about this country is you can start with nothing and build up to some thing and be proud of it. That’s why so many people want to be in America and believe in the Capitalist society that was built. Please reverse course and redact this law from becoming affirmed.