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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 04/22/23
    First Name: Mylene
    Last Name: Foster
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: Self /homeowner
  • Comment

    As a homeowner who put a lot of hard earned money after many years down on a home and now struggling to make mortgage payments due to home insurance hikes the new proposed idea of penalizing people like me to pay for those who didn’t do the work is a betrayal. I work hard to manage my credit in this struggling economy. What’s the incentive for those of us who do the right thing? Does this mean I should just stop paying my debt so I too can be helped ? It’s hard enough keeping up with the bills and inflation for things I used to afford and now rely on my credit cards when I cannot keep up. This is a threat to our democracy to penalize those who work hard to maintain good credit and choose to be responsible to save money to put down on a home.