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  • Date: 04/22/23
    First Name: Logan
    Last Name: Stride
    Organization Type: N/A
    Organization: N/A
  • Comment

    I would like to provide my input on the new regulations that are being put into place on May 1. I’m a 25 year old women who has been working hard since I was 16. I worked through high school and college. When I turned 18 I was told that everything that I want to own later in life that I would need a good credit score. So just like everyone else that has a good credit score I worked hard to build it up. I took out a couple credit cards when I was 18 and made sure I paid them off every single month to build my credit to where I have it now at a 760. I have a clear credit report with 0 missed payments on anything and now I’m being punished by having to pay an additional 1% when I buy a house, where people that started out where I started get a discount. I have also proven that I am responsible and make my payments on time every month where someone who has a low credit score has not proven that responsibility. I do not agree with this one bit. Your financial situation is what you make of it and if you want good credit you will work for it. The hard working middle class should not be punished for someone else’s lack of building up their credit.