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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 04/22/23
    First Name: Katie
    Last Name: Zobell
    Organization Type: N/A
    Organization: I’m a citizen
  • Comment

    I absolutely oppose the rule to have my interest rates increased because of my good credit to give a discount to those with poor credit. My husband and I have worked our butts off to get through several degrees so we could have a good life for our family. We finally finished and made financial gains only to be immediately thrown back because of the pandemic and recession. We make 130k/year and our only debt is student loans, 2k left on our van—we have worked hard to have no consumer debt and to make our payments on time. For years. And it’s impossible for us to buy a home now with the interest rates even with our good income. We can’t even buy a 3 bed condo. And this rule makes it even harder for us, while making it easier for those who haven’t sacrificed and changed their habits. How is this good policy? How will this do anything but make people less good with their money? I’m all for paying an honest share of taxes, but this is robbery. Stop this rule!