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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 04/21/23
    First Name: Chelsea
    Last Name: Enslow
    Organization Type: federal government
    Organization: Home buyer
  • Comment

    Forced charity is not charity. Forcing people with good credit scores who pay their bills on time and are responsible borrowers to suffer in the name of helping another is not helping. My husband and I have been in hard places where we have misse payments or taken out more loans than we should have but have worked hard to learn and get better at paying bills on time. We learned great things from having being in a seemingly impossible hard place and have learned to budget and prioritize where our money goes. You are robbing that growth and pride from those starting in a hard place. They can rise above on their own. It has happened so many times and is the subject of most inspirational books and movies. Don’t take that from us!