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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: N/A
    First Name: Scott
    Last Name: Drescher
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: Highlands Residential Mortgage
  • Comment

    My opinion is that the g-fees were necessary to get the Agencies healthy. That worked. There is absolutely no justification to raise them other than a) to cover deficit spending by the federal government or b) to discourage buyers from using the Agencies for their loans. If there were agreement on how to properly privatize the Agencies, we would not need to discuss this. Keep the g-fees at the current level or lower so that Congress will have an incentive to fix them. Otherwise, you will be penalizing home buyers for using the existing mechanism, moving their money over to the Agencies, where it will be confiscated to pay for deficit spending, and nothing will change for the better. Is it fair to make home buyers carry the weight of deficit spending by our federal government? No, but indirectly, that's the result.