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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 03/20/23
    First Name: tim
    Last Name: gillespie
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: The Reinvestment Fund, Inc.
  • Comment

    Reinvestment Fund is pleased to participate in a series of CDFI FHLB Working sessions hosted by the Federal Housing Finance Agency aimed at enhancing CDFI participation and pushing forward our shared community development goals
    Reinvestment Fund is a national mission-driven financial institution that creates opportunity for underserved people and places through partnerships. We marshal the capital, analytics, and expertise necessary to build strong, healthy, and more equitable communities. At Reinvestment Fund we lead with data to create opportunities and advance equity.
    The FHLB system is an important partner in the community development space providing affordable, long-term capital access. However, there are key areas where we would like to see the system evolve in order for CDFIs to deploy more capital to low income communities.
    Key among these areas of evolution include:
    • Identifying a way to safely increase advance rates for CDFI members
    • Incorporating CDFI input into the design of community development products and programs to truly meet the needs of the communities.
    • Innovating new credit enhancement programs that leverages a pool of reserve capital to support community development projects.

    We thank these organizations for the ongoing commitment to dialogue and we look forward to building a fruitful partnership as we build an ecosystem that is committed to economic justice and equality