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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 03/03/23
    First Name: Daniel
    Last Name: Otten
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: Arcadian Bank
  • Comment

    The FHLB system is critical in providing a liquidity option to community banks outside of local and wholesale deposits. For rural communities the local bank is the life blood of the community. We provide needed capital to small businesses and farm operations whose small size falls below the threshold for large banks. Community banks are at times the only borrowing source for some of these businesses. Whether the FHLB funds are used on housing or for small business and ag, these funds help support all community businesses which in turn allow folks to stay in their homes and promote a healthy local economy. Without thriving local businesses and farms there won't be jobs nor local tax revenue which are all needed support a healthy housing environment. Excluding the large banks from the FHLB system may have merit but eliminating it and creating more cumbersome reporting will do harm to many community banks.