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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 10/12/22
    First Name: John
    Last Name: Houghton
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: Peoples Bank and Trust Company
  • Comment

    Good Morning,

    I would like to share my story about how the FHLB system supports community banking in Kansas. Our FHLB Bank is based out of Topeka, KS. I would first like to start with recognizing the great people that work at this organization and the fantastic help they give my organization when we have questions about any of their products and services. At this bank we utilize a variety of their products but I will focus on the products that I have the most experience.

    The service I am most familiar with is the liquidity options that FHLB provides to their members. The range of liquidity options, the ease of use, and funding prices is something that is not replicated in the market at this time. When the bank requires additional funds to support our community based lending, the FHLB is the first partner we turn. We utilize this liquidity when we have an unexpected surge in loan demand and will borrow from the FHLB until other funding sources can catch up with the spike in demand. This flexibility allows us to fund loans at more attractive terms for our customers. The pricing on their liquidity options levels the playing field for the smaller banks against the larger national banks. We need to keep the FHLB system strong so we can keep community banking strong in rural Kansas.
