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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 09/28/22
    First Name: Robert
    Last Name: Mickey
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: F&C Bank
  • Comment

    The Federal Home Loan Bank of Iowa has been absolutely essential to F&C Bank's ability to provide credit to to the rural communities we serve. They provide us with the liquidity needed to operate our small community bank effectively and more importantly, to provide credit to members of our consumer and business communities, including agriculture. Without this readily available source of funds which we have used for over 15 years now, our customers and this bank absolutely would not have been able to thrive as they have. Without FHLB we would have had to substantially had to curb the loans that allowed customers and the bank to flourish and grow. In turn, not having our FHLB-DM relationship as we've know it would have negatively impacted quality of life in a major way in our area.