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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 02/10/22
    First Name: David
    Last Name: Shutvet
    Organization Type: N/A
    Organization: investor of FMCC
  • Comment

    FHFA has only served for their best interest and has harmed the value of what the GSE’s could offer if released from the illegal forced Conservatorship over the GSE’s.
    FHFA should not force the GSE’s to buy mortgages from new homeowners that cannot afford a home in the first place. Our Government / FHFA have made the GSE’s inefficient and self-serving for the FHFA best interest in leu of what is good for both these public companies.
    You only need to read what the GSE’s says about the FHFA in their own 10K annual report:
    10K: "We are under the control of FHFA, as our Conservator,
    and are not managed to maximize stockholder returns.

    FHFA determines our strategic direction.

    We face a variety of different, and sometimes competing,
    business objectives and FHFA-mandated activities.

    FHFA has required us to make changes to our business that
    have adversely affected our financial results and could
    require us to make additional changes at any time.

    For example, FHFA may require us to undertake activities
    that reduce our profitability, expose us to additional credit,
    market, funding, operational, and other risks, or provide
    additional support for the mortgage market that serves our
    mission but adversely affects our financial results.

    Further, we can be put into receivership at the discretion
    of the Director of FHFA at any time for a number of reasons
    set forth in the GSE Act.

    FHFA is also Conservator of Fannie Mae, our primary competitor.

    FHFA’s actions, as Conservator of both companies, could affect
    competition between us.

    It is also possible that FHFA could require us and Fannie Mae
    to take a uniform approach to certain activities, limiting
    innovation and competition, and possibly putting us at a
    competitive disadvantage because of differences in our
    respective businesses.

    FHFA also could limit our ability to compete with new entrants
    and other institutions.