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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 05/17/23
    First Name: Michael
    Last Name: Cauley
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: Personal
  • Comment

    The beginning of any of these conversations is the return to Fannie and Freddie the excess funds taken from them by the U.S. Treasury. Fannie and Freddie's agreement with the federal government was to pay back the original capital infusion plus a 10% dividend. This was achieved in 2019. The excess taken by U.S. Treasury should be returned to capitalize Fannie and Freddie and reduce the burden borrowers are facing in home ownership via the excessive guarantee fees and llpa's. FHFA is not asking for an honest solution for steps to update the Enterprises’ single-family guarantee fee pricing framework to better align the pricing and capital frameworks. It appears from the momentum of FHFA activiites, they are only going to respond to media exposing their anti-homeownership and Big Government policies as they disregard the lending community and citizens.