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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 05/16/23
    First Name: Steven
    Last Name: Castaneda
    Organization Type: fannie mae
    Organization: Triumph Lending
  • Comment

    I appreciate the opportunity to share my insights on the potential implications of augmenting Loan Level Pricing Adjustments (LLPAs) and Guarantee Fees (G-Fees) on the housing market.

    Raising LLPAs and G-Fees may not be the optimal strategy at this point. Increased LLPAs inherently mean higher borrowing costs, which would likely pose a significant hurdle for many potential homeowners. This, in turn, could dampen the overall demand in the housing market, leading to an unwanted slowdown in home sales.

    Furthermore, more stringent LLPAs could introduce tighter lending standards, presenting obstacles for many potential borrowers seeking to qualify for mortgages. This could particularly impact individuals with lower credit scores or those who fall short of specific criteria, reducing their access to credit and limiting their chances of buying a home.

    Additionally, the effects could be extensive if heightened LLPAs are applied indiscriminately across the housing market. The combination of increased costs and stricter lending standards could result in decreased demand, stunted home price growth, and instability within the housing market. The ripple effect of these changes could influence construction activities, home values, and overall economic conditions related to the housing sector.

    Considering these potential impacts, the design and implementation of LLPAs and G-Fees policies need a thorough reassessment, keeping in mind the housing market's current state. Now may not be the most advantageous time to impose these heightened fees.