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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 05/16/23
    First Name: Jeff
    Last Name: Shealey
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: AnnieMac Home Mortgage
  • Comment

    With the change in LLPA's I have seen massive changes for my borrowers as it pertains to the cost for their rate and/or an increased rate. This is overall a bad time to make changes to LLPA's in my opinion, as we are in a higher rate environment as it is. We have a housing shortage in most of the country topped with sellers who are unwilling to move due to higher rates only to find out there may be a negative adjustment to their rate with favorable credit scores. This is causing sellers and buyers to not move on buying. The housing industry is one of the strongest markets and the LLPA changes are making it even harder on our industry. You should consider sidelining these changes until the economy and rates are more favorable.