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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 03/30/18
    First Name: Terry
    Last Name: Clemans
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: National Consumer Reporting Association
  • Comment

    To Whom It May Concern:
    Please find the attached NCRA response to the questions we believe we can provide relevant information on. The National Consumer Reporting Association is a national trade organization founded in 1992 of consumer reporting agencies and associated professionals that provide products and services to hundreds of thousands of mortgage lenders, property managers, landlords, credit grantors, and employers. NCRA's membership includes two of every three mortgage credit reporting agencies in the United States that can produce a credit report that meets the requirements of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and HUD for mortgage lending and many of the nation’s largest resident screening companies.

    We greatly appreciate the FHFA taking the time to carefully evaluate the credit scores available to the mortgage industry and how those scores could impact the efficiencies of the American mortgage market. We also appreciate the opportunity to provide feedback on this process and are available to the FHFA should they have any further questions about any of our responses.
    Terry W. Clemans
    Executive Director