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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 02/06/18
    First Name: Simone
    Last Name: Griffin
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: HomeFree-USA
  • Comment

    The ability to utilize other credit scoring options beyond FICO is truly needed. We consistently see clients who do not maintain traditional the banking and lending methods that would yield a high credit score, however they are steadily employed, pay rent and other bills on time, and generally exhibit that they can and will repay a mortgage loan. FICO certainly has a place in our financial society, and should remain a vessel for assessing risk. However its formulas both encourage debt and are not amenable to the ways in which many Americans handle their money. Vantage Score and other models have proven successful, and any additional ground they may have to cover to compete with FICO would certainly be done. Further, fostering an open market atmosphere where lenders are able to choose which credit assessment tool to utilize creates a competitive forum where all parties must be sure they're truly meeting the needs of their clients. Thank you