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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 01/06/18
    First Name: Jennifer
    Last Name: Ferguson
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: West USA Realty
  • Comment

    I always thought it was odd that the FICO score gave more weight and a higher score to folks whose credit cards hold a balance on each and every card, within a certain percentage. What about folks whose credit cards have zero balance, because they use them infrequently or pay them down to zero every month? Isn't that prudent use of credit deserving a higher score?
    I am not familiar with Vantage, but competition is the best way to have a fair market. I have 50,000 competitors in my state (licensed agents), so FICO needs some competition as well! Let the mortgage company decide which credit system makes sense for their risk management! Or let them use both and weigh the borrower's scores from each, using a human being who can comprehend details of extenuating circumstances more than an inanimate computer!!