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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 02/16/21
    First Name: Pamela
    Last Name: Washington
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: Washington Appraisal Services
  • Comment

    Addressing Operational Question C1.4. The attached document provides further proof that racial bias in Appraisal is rare to non-existent.
    Additionally, please keep in mind that Appraisers are highly committed to ethics in order to maintain the public trust. We are forced to be retrained every other year on this very subject. Are any other entities in the mortgage process made to do this? Appraisers actually are the ones who show less bias and are the most disinterested party in the whole mortgage process.
    And also a question for the FHFA: with the country in a pandemic and economic crisis, why are you focused on making any impact to what we as Appraisers are doing? In Ohio, Appraisers have been deemed as Essential Workers. We are working to keep people in their homes and able to refinance and purchase. We are working without the politics of racial bias and micro-aggressions. The last thing we need is more criticism and blame placed on us from people who are not even out in the field working.