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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 02/11/21
    First Name: Huibin
    Last Name: Lan
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: Bluebay Appraisal, Inc.
  • Comment

    The 1004 Hybrid appraisal report should be the main product of the future appraisal report. The reason is that it capture the main factor of the appraisal valuation: 1)More objective: There are two objective persons involved on the subject's property information(Condition, GLA, floor plan etc.) : The inspector inspect the property objectively and the appraiser double check the inspector's report with owner again . 2) More practical and more factual and more convience: The appraiser put more focus on the analysis of the subject and the comparables. No need to take photo of comparables are more factual and more convenience: In this digital age, the MLS photos and the descriptions are the more than enough and factual to reflect the actual condition of comparables at the time of sale. This is also more convenience for each appraiser: Unless the MLS photo are not useable, it just make more trouble for appraiser to take those comparable photos which may be different(remodeling/tear down/extension etc.) than the original MLS photos (which should be the base of comparison).
    In my personal view: Unless MLS photos are not useable, all the appraisal report should use MLS photo first as it reflect the actual condition of the comparable at the time of sale.