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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 01/21/21
    First Name: Stanley
    Last Name: Connell
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: CONNELL APPRAISALS
  • Comment

    It is my opinion that the appraisal world needs to use all of the available technologies in the appraisal business. My son is a now certified appraiser and continues to call me from time to time with consultations using facetime or skype. I would like to mentor one or two of my other sons as their supervisory appraiser using this technology. I am not able to inspect interior of homes due to my health. I can no longer get into homes as I am wheelchair bound due to Primary Lateral Scerlosis. When I was trained I was on my own after 60 days. I had a good supervisor and learned quickly. With technology advances My son appraising now can call on my experience anytime. My son that wants to get into appraising will have more help than I had and will be supervised as if I was there with him. I will be petitioning my Iowa State Appraiser Board for a waiver to allow me to supervise my son. With your help the appraiser board will be a moot point and not needed.

    My proposal is to ride with my trainee son for 10-25 assignments till I am satisfied that he no longer needs that supervision. I would check that I inspected the home from the exterior. When he was on his own I would still check that box as I would see the exterior of the home from facetime or skype. I would include a comment in the addendum that the home was inspected on the interior via Facetime or skype. This would satisfy the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that a supervisor inspect the interior of the home.

    Not only would this extend my carreer but it may help other appraisal supervisors. In very rural areas a supervisor can appraise one property and supervise another instead of only doing one or the other. I know it is a chance to "cheat" but if a supervisor will use this to cheat he will cheat now without it.

    If you want to contact me you have my email.