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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 01/13/21
    First Name: Marilyn
    Last Name: Yeager
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: Coldwell Banker Hartung
  • Comment

    The decline of the number of appraisers was caused by enacting the Appraisal Management Companies. Adding the AMC created the problem you are now facing – the fees appraisers were receiving were cut in half, the AMC’s added their profit margins to the appraisal causing the consumer of paying the price for the new inflated costs for an additional bureaucratic layer. Then the AMC chose to select the appraisers who charged the least in order to increase their profits. All this led to delays in completing the appraisal process and most importantly drove appraisers out of the business. The result of appraiser leaving the business created a supply & demand problem which drove the cost of appraisals sky high. Appraisals are only worth anything AT ALL if licensed appraiser put their eyes on the condition of the interior and exterior of a property. Without it they are completely unreliable & worthless. Artificial intelligence has no place in values of properties. No 2 properties are in the same condition pr have the same amenities, upgrades, updates. All the suggested appraisal plans are not feasible and will make the valuations of properties totally unreliable & meaningless. Get rid of the AMC, have lenders register all local appraisers and use them on a rotating bases regardless of the individual appraiser's fee. That will incentivize appraisers to come back into the business. Punishing all appraisers by taking away their income (by initiating the AMC) for the case of a few dishonest ones has ruined the entire appraisal occupation. Punish those that are dishonest by taking away their license and let the honest ones make an honest living and the shortage, cost & delay problems will correct themselves.