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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 01/13/21
    First Name: Beverly
    Last Name: Buck
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: Coldwell Banker Residential - FL - Destin / 30A
  • Comment

    My biggest concern with appraisals is they are not keeping up with the fast moving market. When you have a market of multiple offers within hours and buyers are willing to pay asking price or above for the home. This is what buyers are willing to pay for a property. This is the market. To evaluate based on homes that sold (3) months ago at much lesser price, doesn't indicate what the buyers are willing to pay for the current market. I believe there is a huge disparity here and needs a solution so that the true current market value is reflected on the sale. Once a property closes, then it confirms the market. Unfortunately, the buyer/seller are at a disadvantage until the closing of receiving their actual current market value. Also, the huge delays in getting appraisals scheduled. There should be a mandate to complete appraisal sooner than 2-3 weeks that its taking. Appraisers are asked to be inspectors too. It seems that the items they are calling out are getting broader. If appraisers can't get to appraisals for nearly a month, we are past the buyer's inspection period. This puts both the buyers and the sellers at a disadvantage to address the issues called out on the appraisal. There seems to be no consistency as to what will be called out. Some underwriters are even going back and requiring appraisers to inspect things that are out of their expertise to do so. I think a huge over haul is really needed. Especially, a regulation on what appraisers can charge for appraisal too. Due to the shortage of appraisers, we are seeing folks get scalped with paying 2-3 times what an appraisal normally costs, just to get it done in time for closing. Another issue is Modular Homes are not being recognized by the appraisers across the board the same as a site built home. This is a huge problem. There is a huge difference between mobile homes and modular. A separate category should be provide for Modular Home construction from that of mobile homes so that there is no question the home being evaluated is modular construction conforming to State Building Codes, etc. I really hope some serious regulation is done with the appraisal industry.