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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/25/23
    First Name: Ginger
    Last Name: Dowdle
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: MHAction
  • Comment

    Seeing large companies have the ability to utilize these funds to further acquire properties to rent for profit should be regulated. They should be required to have set rents and regulated rules by Fanny Mae /Freddy Mac according to proper rent regulations. Mobile home communities are supposed to be affordable and in livable conditions. Mostly seniors and low income/limited income residents are the majority of the populations in these communities. Rent hikes in access of hundreds of dollars and up are happening all over with little to no end in sight. Constant evictions are happening with little to zero proper Maitnance to the property’s. Upon reading about these funding ententes they were set up for the ability for residents to also have the ability to co-op the park property. However not much is there for the assistance for the residents to do so.
    I live in a community where rent goes up every year zero Maitnance has been don’t to the property causing health hazards and extreme hazardous living conditions. The probable looming of park closure still looms overhead. Park management is extremely unregulated causing many of the problems we are having.
    Upon research our group was looking to co-op the park and take ownership but seeing not much was actually available to help us acquire and utilize these funds to do what they are actually set aside to do. However we see the ease of the access of these dollars for these large corporations to use these dollars to further line their pockets.
    I am asking that a more equal playing field for both residents and possible prospective buyers is put in place along with regulated rents which are affordable. Maintaining the community is a must especially the older parks. LARA the state department is extremely limited even concerning the water and sewage aspect in these communities who’s is a huge problem for many parks in Michigan currently.
    Thank you for your time on this matter and I hope that you can see the spectrum of problems.
    Best wishes Ginger Dowdle