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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 01/16/24
    First Name: Bob
    Last Name: Incogneto
    Organization: N/A
    City: N/A
    State: N/A
    Attachment: N/A
    Number: 2023-N-13
  • Comment

    Racism by definition is discrimination by institution against people based on their membership to a particular racial or ethnic group. That is what your promoting,your basically saying that if your anything other then a white male you need extra help. May I ask if a contractor has only "minority"and or women workforce with no white men at all employed are they going to face the same consequences as a contractor that only has white men employed I'm betting not since the gov has positions and departments set up to protect and aid and promote "minorities" and women but there is no department or position set up to do the same for white people or men that my friend is the definition of racism and sexism and you can't fix racism with racism nor sexism with sexism that should be common sense but since it aperemtly isn't anymore let me just keep it simple and ask that the gov just be colorblind like it should always be ...thank you