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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 10/30/23
    First Name: Greg
    Last Name: Wolf
    Organization: N/A
    City: N/A
    State: N/A
    Attachment: N/A
    Number: RIN-2590-AB30
  • Comment

    This sounds like a terrible idea. Why would the government want to get involved with the risks associated with this or promote it for other companies to get involved with it? There's no reason to advance this rule as a short-term solution to the high cost of housing. Prices will revert to the mean. Anytime the government gets involved in something like this, it backfires and causes a bubble. 'Let's increase housing affordability for low-income families.' Result; 2008 financial crisis.' 'Let's make college affordable for more people by giving them loans. Result; college costs skyrocket and students can't afford to pay back their loans. 'Let's juice the economy during covid by lowering interest rates.' Result; house prices skyrocket due to low-interest loans, people won't move because they are locked into their inexpensive mortgage and inflation went way up. Please don't. Just don't. Stay out of it. There will be unintended consequences years down the road and then legislation to fix this problem that you could have prevented in the first place by not making this rule.