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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 05/09/23
    First Name: Kristoffer
    Last Name: Dean
    Organization: N/A
    City: N/A
    State: N/A
    Attachment: N/A
    Number: RIN-2590-AB29
  • Comment

    By conflating fiscal responsibility with wealth, your agency is inadvertently penalizing demographics you purport to protect. High income and generational wealth are not pre-requisites for a person or family to be responsible in their financial decision making. I for example am the son of two school teachers who made a very modest income, one of whom chose not to help support us when they were divorced when I was a child. My post secondary education was paid for by myself, and I now serve in our nation's armed forces, which due to the intense demands on my time require that my family be a single income household. I am not considered by any metric to be a wealthy person. However, since I am a responsible person, my credit sits today around 820. With current interest rates and the penalty your policies apply to any loan I would apply for, I'm afraid I will be unable to purchase a home adequate to fit myself and my four dependents after our next change of station. I fail to understand how you could possibly consider the use of credit score to equitably determine outcome. While I personally don't believe it is the federal governments responsibility to determine outcome I am putting that prejudice aside to tell you that even if it were your responsibility to socially engineer outcomes, this is not the equitable way to do it.