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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 05/01/23
    First Name: Amy
    Last Name: Fulton
    Organization: N/A
    City: N/A
    State: N/A
    Attachment: N/A
    Number: RIN-2590-AB29
  • Comment

    To equate high credit score with wealth is naive and short-sighted. We did not penny-pinch for the last 30 years, sometimes just barely scraping by financially, paying our bills on time in order to keep our credit score high, just to now be told we are essentially being punished for doing so and need to have a higher interest rate on a new mortgage. There is no logical reason why we should have to pay a higher rate for a mortgage if we are less of a risk than someone who, whether through fault of their own or not, has not been fiscally responsible and has a lower credit score. The inability to pay what are now high housing/rent costs, which has a domino effect and causes inability to then pay off credit cards etc, fall squarely on the government for not monitoring the inflation rate. Find another solution.