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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 04/28/23
    First Name: Kyle
    Last Name: Davis, REALTOR
    Organization: N/A
    City: N/A
    State: N/A
    Attachment: N/A
    Number: RIN-2590-AB29
  • Comment

    You need to reverse your decision immediately which rewards low credit borrowers and penalize high credit borrowers on their mortgage.

    It’s simply wrong and absolutely unfair to all of us who have works hard to get and keep our scores over 800 points.

    Perhaps educating borrowers on how to earn a higher credit score versus just giving them ANOTHER HANDOUT, they will actually appreciate something. Not every breathing human being deserves to own their own home. Risky loans only undermine the housing market (just look at what happened in 2007) and place banks at a higher risk of failure. In the end, the haves end up paying to clean up the mess.

    Please stop this from happening.