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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 04/26/23
    First Name: Brian
    Last Name: Reinard
    Organization: N/A
    City: N/A
    State: N/A
    Attachment: N/A
    Number: RIN-2590-AB29
  • Comment

    I understand and agree that everyone should have the opportunity to purchase a home. However, the treatment for everyone should be EQUAL and not based on equity. Opportunities come with responsibilities. Remember the housing collapse in 2008 that was due in large part to the sub-prime loans. The effort to provide home ownership to many provided the opportunity for banks to collateralize the mortgages and sell them to investors. The opportunity was provided, banks took advantage of them and the tax payer was left holding the bag.

    I have lived my entire life (60 years old) endeavoring to do the right thing, live responsibly and have taught my four children to do the same. Why is it the government and the associated bureaucratic machine feels like it is their right to try to "fix" things when the people who benefit have not earned the right to be handed the opportunities provided?

    All of the financial issues related to life should be blind to who a person is - color, sex, religion, etc. If you have acted and lived responsibly, you have earned the right to pursue opportunities when they arise.

    Enough with equity - more responsibility is needed. Provide opportunities via a hand up and not a hand out.