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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 06/30/18
    First Name: Shareholder's 30 Second
    Last Name: Post Card Plan
    Organization: N/A
    City: N/A
    State: N/A
    Attachment: N/A
    Number: RIN-2590-AA95
  • Comment

    Dear President Trump,

    Below is a fair and just Rule of Law "Shareholder's 30 Second Post Card Plan" to capitaize and release FnF from conservatorship. This Post card plans meets all the well accepted principles and policies.

    This is not only simple plan but also does not need any additional congressional laws. Any one can read and understand in 30 seconds and implement immediately. No one can object to this plan on legal basis or policy basis. If your administration wants to return FnF to private share holders, then this plan can be implemented without any hesitation...

    Shareholder's 30 Second Post Card Plan

    1. Please reverse lawless NWS completely and honor original SPSPA.
    Let reasonable dividend rates be applied rather than usury 10% rate.

    2. Let Tsy pay back any additional dividends received and cancel all SPSPA obligations.

    3. Let Tsy allow FnF to buy back warrants (may be for less than $10B) as per Gov guidelines used for TBTF banks.

    4. Let Gov provide temporary credit line to FnF on terms similar to banks until FnF fully capitalize.

    5. Release FnF from conservatorship unconditionally and let FnF and shareholders decide on how to meet regulatory capital requirements.

    6. Let FHFA/HUD/Tsy/Fed implement regulatory capital requirements in phased manner that are appropriate for monoline insurance companies.

    7. Congress and Administration can fix housing finance as and when they find right answers and alternatives.
    There is no need hold FnF in conservatorship for ever.

    Respectfully submitted.

    Your Constituent