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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 12/29/14
    First Name: Frank
    Last Name: Fosco
    Organization: N/A
    City: N/A
    State: N/A
    Attachment: N/A
    Number: RIN-2590-AA73
  • Comment

    I am a shareholder in Fannie and Freddie and are please to see part of HERA is being honored. It is sad this program as well the military assistance programs were cancelled by the old directors. My hope is that if the companies are able to make payments to these trust funds than the CONSERVATORSHIP would be ended as well. See protecting tax payers is not sweeping all the profits from our company based on excuses of the past. Those matters are over and closed and all monies have been paid back. It is more of an embarrassment that republican senators say this program should not be put back in place since FNF have not paid one penny back. I used to be more conservative but see now that republican’s only wanted to lie and destroy what FDR built so many years ago to protect tax payers from banks. Mr. Watt you have the chance to right this wrong, to release these companies to once again provide economic expansion and protect the laws of private property. See these law suits are TRUELY an embarrassment? Why are the taxpayers of the US SUEING you and your department for our company back? Have you not succeeded in stabilizing housing, operations and default rates? There is no value to a back stop anymore so release our companies and build a legacy verses continue down the path YOYR republican enemies set forth for you. The middle class should invest in the stocks and gain value to support the operations. That is what America is all about. The original deal was the risk and if the companies never made it well those who invested would have lost. But see Sir I invested in the trust of the US gov and now I have no trust. I hope your oath was to uphold the law of private property and give back what is not government property.