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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 12/24/14
    First Name: Shirley
    Last Name: Rogers
    Organization: N/A
    City: N/A
    State: N/A
    Attachment: N/A
    Number: RIN-2590-AA73
  • Comment

    Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were taken over after few thugs ( Hank Paulson, Timothy Geithner and their cronies) decided to do whatever they wanted to do.
    The media and the public were mislead and lied to.
    The government officials have been very dishonest about the entire situation and the most amazing part is the continuation of lies by this government. If anything, this White House should be interested above anything else, to recapitalize and to restore Fannie and Freddie as GSEs and as shareholders' owned corporations.
    It is an issue of what is right.
    If you think you can take over private property without any remorse, any redemption, and with impunity, it means you are just a group of thugs.
    I do not wish you a joyful holiday season this year, because you do not deserve it.
    Our founders would roll over in their graves if they saw your dishonesty.
    Thank you so much for your attention in this matter.