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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 12/24/14
    First Name: Brian
    Last Name: Linse
    Organization: N/A
    City: N/A
    State: N/A
    Attachment: N/A
    Number: RIN-2590-AA73
  • Comment

    As a service provider for the construction industry, U.S. citizen, employer and taxpayer I ask you to release, restore to the shareholders and recapitalize FNMA/FMCC. The need for taking and using of these two companies as the receptacle for bad MBS loans is over. The banks have been recapitalized and the FHFA should restore FNMA/FMCC to their rightful owners. The construction industry needs the security and liquidity that these two companies provide. The industry has not recovered, partially due to the fact of uncertainty of these two companies in conservatorship. Please do not wait for the courts to mandate the release, do it now for the good of the industry and country.