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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 12/23/14
    First Name: Craig
    Last Name: Campbell
    Organization: N/A
    City: N/A
    State: N/A
    Attachment: N/A
    Number: RIN-2590-AA73
  • Comment

    While I agree with the cause and the need, I am appalled by the way the Government is going about funding this. You are taking money away from those who invested in FNMA/FMCC for retirement (Firefighters, police, mothers, fathers, soldiers and their widows, and many more) and after the recession have nothing to retire on now. To give it to those who need a home because they have no money, which you and the banks you bailed out took from them?? You take all their money, and give them pennies back and expect them to be grateful for how 'You saved them', and provided a roof over their head!!??? If you truly want to help those in need, and improve the economy, remove FNMA/FMCC from this illegal receivership(Call it what it truly is, stop white washing it), so those in need will see their retirement return, and both the economy and those in need will benefit 100% than simply funding the housing trust fund alone can do. By doing so, you'll find that FNMA/FMCC will be able to not only build capital needed for these economic emergencies, but also have enough left over to fund the Housing Trust Fund.

    Everyone knows what needs to be done. Everyone knows what the Government did to, good and bad, to save the US Economy. Admit to our successes and our mistakes, honestly, and move on. Lies will never provide a solid foundation for any country to build upon. Eventually, it will come crumbling down.

    Justice and Truth is what America is known for, and today's government is an embarrassment to us all, both Democratic and Republican. But we can change, and the people will make a change. So congress, we are watching...And we will react!