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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 12/22/14
    First Name: Andrew
    Last Name: Tomlinson
    Organization: N/A
    City: N/A
    State: N/A
    Attachment: N/A
    Number: RIN-2590-AA73
  • Comment

    While I am excited to see the GSE's support affordable housing finance it is clear to anyone who can read the news that the GSE's have been for some time and remain fully solvent (ergo their ability to pay into the affordable housing funds in addition to their ability to pay back the entirety of what was borrowed plus an additional 30 billion plus dollars). Therefore, I look forward to the FHFA outlining what the GSE's need to do to satisfy the debt (opinions on this differ, with Rep. Ed Royce of California claiming that the GSE's haven't paid one red nickel to treasury in principal on one had and Sen Charles Schumer stating in a press release that they have paid back treasury in full) to treasury and for the process of the privately owned GSE's to return to their rightful share -owners in a fashion consistent with the Constitution. Note that neither of the BOD's for either Fannie or Freddie voted on conservatorship or the stock warrants for 79.9% of the companies. I look forward to these issues being addressed in a timely fashion in a manner consistent with our laws and the Constitution.