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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 12/20/13
    First Name: Tom
    Last Name: Wardrope
    Organization: N/A
    City: N/A
    State: N/A
    Attachment: N/A
    Number: 2013-N-18
  • Comment

    Why on earth would you want to eliminated Fannie and Freddie when they are making the government so much money? Not only that, but the loans they are originating in today's world are never going to be a problem because of the tight underwriting guidelines that have been imposed.

    I strongly urge you NOT to reduce the loan limits unless and until you are 100% sure that there is a private market that can take the place of the two agencies. Why would you cut the loan limits when property values are rising again across most of the country. Higher loan amounts are going to be critical to the recovery of the housing industry and the overall economy going forward.

    Stop fighting yesterday's battles and let Fannie and Freddie do what they are supposed to do. As long as they never are allowed to loosen their underwriting standards again, all will be well.