Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the Enterprises) engaged extensively with stakeholders to develop their respective Duty to Serve Plans (DTS), which went into effect on January 1, 2018. The Plans provide detailed information on how the Enterprises will provide leadership and facilitate a secondary market for very low-, low-, and moderate-income families in three specified areas as directed by statute: manufactured housing, affordable housing preservation, and rural housing.
The DTS Plans detail opportunities for financial services organizations, nonprofits and other industry participants to work with the Enterprises to better serve the three target markets. FHFA is committed to facilitating these opportunities, so to help simplify the process and help stakeholders find the most relevant part of each Plan, we've created 11 Snapshots that further break down the three main markets so interested parties can quickly find a topic or opportunity of interest.
We hope that the 11 DTS Snapshots, available on FHFA's website, will serve as a handy guide for stakeholders:
- Chattel
- Manufactured Housing Communities
- Multifamily Rental Production
- Rural Rental Production
- State and Local Multifamily Housing
- State and Local Single-Family Housing
- Energy Efficiency
- Small Financial Institutions
- Small Multifamily and Single-Family Rental
- High-Needs Rural Regions and High-Needs Rural Populations
- Residential Economic Diversity
If there are additional topics - potential engagement opportunities included in the Enterprises' DTS Plans - that are not included and would be helpful to add, or if you have comments regarding existing Snapshots, please contact us via email at
Tagged: Duty to Serve; Multifamily/Rentals; rural housing; manufactured housing; single-family rentals; chattel; Affordable Housing; affordable housing preservation; energy efficiency
By: Leah Kehoe
Policy Analyst, Duty to Serve Program
Division of Housing Mission and Goals