Check your mail because Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are offering a one-time Principal Reduction

Modification to certain borrowers who are still struggling in the aftermath of the financial crisis. If you are eligible, a principal reduction modification could help you avoid foreclosure and stay in your home by reducing your monthly payment amount and the amount you owe on your mortgage.
You may be eligible if:
✓ Your loan is owned or guaranteed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac
✓ You were 90 days or more delinquent on your mortgage payments as of March 1, 2016
✓ You have an outstanding unpaid principal balance of $250,000 or less as of March 1, 2016
✓ You owe more than 115% of what your house is worth
✓ You own and live in your home
If you are eligible and haven't yet been solicited for this modification offer, in the next couple of weeks you will be sent a letter by your servicer (the company where you send your mortgage payments) that contains the terms for a modification of your mortgage. So be sure to open any mail from your servicer and respond quickly if you get this offer. In case you are wondering if this offer is legitimate, examples of what this letter should look like can be found on our website,
The last day servicers can offer you this Principal Reduction Modification is December 31, 2016. To accept, you have to make three on-time payments and sign the acceptance letter. There is no need to submit complex documents. Again, just be sure to respond before the due date outlined in your offer.
If you think you meet the requirements for a Principal Reduction Modification but haven't received a letter from your servicer, contact them directly and ask if you are eligible. Even if you are not, anyone struggling to make their monthly mortgage payments is encouraged to contact their servicer. The sooner you let them know you're having difficulty, the greater the number of options your servicer will have at their disposal to help.

Remember; check your mail to make sure you don't miss this opportunity to save!
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By: Corinne Russell
Public Affairs Officer, Office of Congressional Affairs and Communications